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Erasinus lived by the gully of Boétes. Was seized with fever after supper ; a troubled night.

First day. Quiet, but the night was painful.

Second day. General exacerbation ; delirium at night.

Third day. Pain and much delirium.

Fourth day. Very uncomfortable ; no sleep at night ; dreams and wandering. Then worse symptoms, of a striking and significant character ; fear and discomfort.

Fifth day. Early in the morning was composed, and in complete possession of his senses. But long before mid-day was madly delirious ; could not restrain himself ; extremities cold and rather livid ; urine suppressed ; died about sunset.

In this patient the fever was throughout accompanied by sweat ; the hypochondria were swollen, distended and painful. Urine black, with round, suspended particles which did not settle. There were solid discharges from the bowels. Thirst

[p. 203] throughout not very great. Many convulsions with sweating about the time of death.

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