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Next to Tænarum on the voyage to Onugnathus and to Maleæ1 is Amathus, (Psamathus,) a city; then follow Asine, and Gythium,2 the naval arsenal of Sparta, situated at an interval of 240 stadia. Its station for vessels, they say, is excavated by art. Farther on, between Gythium and Acræa, is the mouth of the Eurotas.3 To this place the voyage along the coast is about 240 stadia; then succeeds a marshy tract, and a village, Helos, which formerly was a city, according to Homer;

“ They who occupied Amyclæ, and Helos, a small town on the sea-coast.4

Il. ii. 584.
They say that it was founded by Helius the son of Perseus. There is a plain also call Leuce; then Cyparissia,5 a city upon a peninsula, with a harbour; then Onugnathus with a harbour; next Bœa, a city; then Maleæ. From these cities to Onugnathus are 150 stadia. There is also Asopus,6 a city in Laconia.

1 By others written in the singular number, Malea, now C. St. Angelo.

2 The site of Gythium is identified as between Marathonisi and Trinissa.

3 The Iri, or Vasili Potamo.

4 Il. ii. 584.

5 Rupina, or Castel Rampano. The plain of Leuce is traversed by the river Mario-revina.

6 The site of Asopus appears, according to the ruins indicated in the Austrian map, to have been situated a little to the north of Rupina.

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