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[154a] for he saw some young fellows who were coming in with some railing at each other, and a crowd of people following on behind them, said—Concerning the beauties, Socrates, I expect you will get your knowledge at once: for these who are coming in are in fact forerunners and lovers of the person who is held, for the moment at least, to be the greatest beauty; and he himself, I imagine, must by now be nearly upon us.

Who is he, I asked, and whose son?

You must know, he replied, but he was not yet grown up when you went away,—Charmides, son of

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  • Commentary references to this page (4):
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 172C
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 178E
    • R. G. Bury, The Symposium of Plato, 206C
    • James Adam, The Republic of Plato, 6.500B
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (1):
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