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[2] I shall make of you all a just and reasonable request: first, that you listen to my words with goodwill, and, secondly, that if you think that I am being wronged and made defendant in a suit which has no valid basis, you render me the succor which is my due. The damages claimed in the action are, as you have heard, thirty minae; but the sum for which we are really being sued is four talents. For there are two of them, and they have entered four suits against us, all for a like amount, each for three thousand drachmae damages;1 and now on a complaint for thirty minae we are brought to trial for so large a sum.

1 From this it is plain that each of the two claimants brought suit against each of the four sons of Aristaechmus. This makes eight suits for thirty minae each, so that the total amount is four talents.

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    • F. A. Paley, Select Private Orations of Demosthenes, 3
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