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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 8, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Joseph Davis (search for this): article 1
Runaway--fifty dollars reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my negro Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.
Runaway--fifty dollars reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my negro Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.
May, 8 AD (search for this): article 1
Runaway--fifty dollars reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my negro Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.
J. M. Price (search for this): article 1
o Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern. o Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.
Cumberland County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Runaway--fifty dollars reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my negro Woman, named Betty; about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker.--She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price. She is probably in this city, or has made her way to Mr. Price's. I will give the above reward, if delivered to me here. or if lodged in jail in the county or city. oc 7--1m* Joseph Stern.
Jefferson (search for this): article 1
ver know that they are not efficient and exemplary guardians of his interests. We have seen with interest a good many names which have been permitted to be mentioned in connection with the service of the public in the Congressional Department. It is more particularly with reference to this that we desire to make a few comments. We hope to see this new Government start on a path of true Republican simplicity, fidelity, and straightforwardness. If over there was a time when the great Jefferson that should be applied to those who seek office in every department--"Is he capable, is he faithful, is he honest ?"--it is now. The old Republic began — as most Republics begin — with good intentions and exemplary conduct. There were not only political giants in those days, but most of them were men of genuine patriotism, who were more solicitous for the success and glory of the Republic than for the advancement of their own personal fortunes. General Washington, who would not receive a
Washington (search for this): article 1
ere was a time when the great Jefferson that should be applied to those who seek office in every department--"Is he capable, is he faithful, is he honest ?"--it is now. The old Republic began — as most Republics begin — with good intentions and exemplary conduct. There were not only political giants in those days, but most of them were men of genuine patriotism, who were more solicitous for the success and glory of the Republic than for the advancement of their own personal fortunes. General Washington, who would not receive a dime of pay over his expenses, for the most arduous, incessant, trying, and successful services that were ever rendered by man to the cause of human freedom, was a type of the Revolutionary men. They did not dream of improving their personal fortunes by the general distress, or fattening themselves at the public crib, whilst the great body of the people was enduring hardships and privation. The old Republic started right, but it was soon debauched; its politic
t, trying, and successful services that were ever rendered by man to the cause of human freedom, was a type of the Revolutionary men. They did not dream of improving their personal fortunes by the general distress, or fattening themselves at the public crib, whilst the great body of the people was enduring hardships and privation. The old Republic started right, but it was soon debauched; its political morality became as lax and its public men as bad, as they could be.--From Washington to--Lincoln; we need say no more. It will avail our fortunes but little, if, having escaped this leprous association, we continue to retain its principles and practices. If we do not make a good beginning, what shall be our end? If our youth is corrupt and tainted, what will be our manhood? In its President and Vice President the new Republic has placed the right men in the right place; in the principal leaders of its armies, it has been equally successful. If the people are true to themselves
George Sheridan (search for this): article 1
Suicide. --An Alabama soldier, named Geo. Sheridan, who had been under medical treatment in one of the hospitals on 4th street, south of Main, yesterday, while laboring under mental aberration, escaped from his attendants, and dressed only in his under clothes, made his way to the canal, at the Armory Bridge, jumped in, striking his head against a stone wall as he descended, and drowned himself. He was pursued from the hospital, and when on the bridge was stopped by some one in front of him. But the pursuer could not overtake him, and when his way was impeded, he at once leaped over the balustrade, and succeeded in killing himself. The body will be sent to Alabama for interment.
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
Suicide. --An Alabama soldier, named Geo. Sheridan, who had been under medical treatment in one of the hospitals on 4th street, south of Main, yesterday, while laboring under mental aberration, escaped from his attendants, and dressed only in his under clothes, made his way to the canal, at the Armory Bridge, jumped in, striking his head against a stone wall as he descended, and drowned himself. He was pursued from the hospital, and when on the bridge was stopped by some one in front of , escaped from his attendants, and dressed only in his under clothes, made his way to the canal, at the Armory Bridge, jumped in, striking his head against a stone wall as he descended, and drowned himself. He was pursued from the hospital, and when on the bridge was stopped by some one in front of him. But the pursuer could not overtake him, and when his way was impeded, he at once leaped over the balustrade, and succeeded in killing himself. The body will be sent to Alabama for interment.
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