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$26 reward --runaway, on the 5th of August, my negro woman named Batty, about 28 years old, 5 feet 4 inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark in the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland country, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price Her mother live with Dr. S. Steel, in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. co 2--6t* Joseph Stern.
Runaway. -- Reward.--Ranaway, on the 3th of August, my Negro Woman named Betty, about 8 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mu plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--Her mother lives with Mr. S. Ste , in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places; or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward it delivered to me here, or if ledged in jail in the county or city. se 9--6t* Joseph Stern.
to be strongly fortified at Sikestown. The following telegrams in regard to the movements of the Confederate army in Missouri, we give for what they are worth: Rolla, Mo., Sept. 2.--A gentleman from Springfield reports that Ben. McCulloch, with 5,000 Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas troops, was marching towards Arkansas, and was last heard from at Chelatable Springs, near Mount Vernon. The wounded were being moved from the Springfield hospital and taken Southward. On Sunday Generals Price, Parsons, Slack and Churchill moved towards Bolivar with a force of ten or twelve thousand Confederates. When last heard from they were marching towards Jefferson city. Louis, Sept. 3. --Later dates from Lexington confirm the safety of that place, and the withdrawal of the Confederates. There is much disaffection in McCulloch's army. He is now in Arkansas. This is reliable. A party of the Dout County Home Guards were surprised early on Sunday morning at Burnett's Mills, by thr
The Daily Dispatch: September 10, 1861., [Electronic resource], The New York Herald upon the Situation. (search)
Runaway.--$25 reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman, named Betty, about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--Her mother lives with Mr. S. Steel, in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places; or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. se 9--6t* Joseph Stern.
From Missouri. St. Louis, Sept. 9. --Gen. McCulloch is reported to be at Mount Vernon, in order to recruit awhile before making a brisk movement in the North. It is stated that Generals Price and Raines have captured Fort Scott and Jayhawk or Kansas Montgomery and made the most of his command prisoners. Another report says that Jim Lane's brigade has been defeated by General Raines, who captured Lane's entire command. It is also reported that Magoffin is a prisoner at Georgetown, Mo., and has been sentenced to be hung.
Runaway.--$25 reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman named Betty, about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black who was hired to Joseph Davis on Broad street. She has a mark on the face in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--His mother lives with Mr. S. Steel, in Augusta country. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places or the she may be in the city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. se 9--5t Joseph Stern.
world to the designs of the Administration at Washington to crush out the last vestige of free government here, and establish in its stead an absolutism more despotic and as irresponsible as that of Turkey. Thank God! the tyranny of that royal Governor will be short lived. The people of the State were already rushing by hundreds and thousands to the defence of their homes and liberties, and this act was scarcely necessary to drive the last Missourians to arms. Under Jackson, and Price, and McCulloch, and Hardee, and Pillow, a mighty host is gathering and advancing; and soon, like a thunderbolt, they will fall on the Hessian hordes of the tyrant and sweep them from the earth they pollute. To-day this petty creature of a bastard Nero, in his guarded tent, may dream of royalty, and imagine himself a king and the master of a million of his equals, but to-morrow will come, and then, a fugitive from the justice that must overtake him, or a trembling beggar for mercy from t
Runaway.--$25 reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman, named Betty, about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--Her mother lives with Mr. S. Steel, in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places; or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. se 9--6t* Joseph Stern.
Runaway.--$25 reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman, named Betty, about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--Her mother lives with Mr. S. Steel, in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places; or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if lodged in jail in the county or city. se 9--6t* Joseph Stern.
Runaway.--$25 reward. --Runaway, on the 5th of August, my Negro Woman, named Betty, about 28 years old, five feet four inches high, black, who was hired to Joseph Davis, on Broad street. She has a mark on the face, in consequence of a mustard plaster she had on, which place is darker. She has children in Cumberland county, where I bought her of Mr. J. M. Price.--Her mother lives with Mr. S. Steel, in Augusta county. No doubt she may try to get to one of these places; or she may be in this city. I will give the above reward if delivered to me here, or if ledged in jail in the county or city. se 9--6t* Joseph Stern.
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