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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs). Search the whole document.

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Menelaus You fly too readily into abusive talk. For my part, since I have come to Phthia against my will, I shall not do anything demeaning nor will I have it done to me. For the present, since I do not have unlimited time, I will go home. There is a city not far off from Sparta which previously was friendly but now is hostile. I mean to attack it as general and make it our subject. But when I have arranged matters there to my satisfaction, I shall return. Man to man with my son-in-law I sha we may not escape now only to be captured later! Peleus No cowardly woman-talk here, please! March on! Who will touch us? He shall smart for it that lays a hand on us! For by the gods' grace I rule over a throng of cavalry and many hoplites in Phthia. And I am still upright on my feet and no grey-beard, as you suppose. If I once look at that sort of man, I will send him flying, old man though I am. Even an old man, if he be brave, is more than a match for many young men. What use is bodily v