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Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 30 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs) 26 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 12 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 8 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 6 0 Browse Search
Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Homer, Iliad 4 0 Browse Search
Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan) 2 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
on.The whole of the following account of Deucalion and Pyrrha is quoted, with a few trifling verbal changes, by the Scholiast on Hom. Il. i.126, who cites Apollodorus as his authority. He reigning in the regions about Phthia, married Pyrrha, the daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora, the first woman fashioned by the gods.As to the making of Pandora, see Hes. WD 60ff., Hes. Th. 571ff.; Hyginus, Fab. 142. And when Zeus would destroy the men Endymion had by a Naiad nymph or, as some say, by Iphianassa, a son Aetolus, who slew Apis, son of Phoroneus, and fled to the Curetian country. There he killed his hosts, Dorus and Laodocus and Polypoetes, the sons of Phthia and Apollo, and called the country Aetolia after himself.Compare Paus. 5.1.8; Conon 14. Aetolus and Pronoe, daughter of Phorbus, had sons, Pleuron and Calydon, after whom the cities in Aetolia were named. Pleuron wedded Xanth
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
, son of Pheres, from Pherae; Ancaeus and Cepheus, sons of Lycurgus, from Arcadia; Jason, son of Aeson, from Iolcus; Iphicles, son of Amphitryon, from Thebes; Pirithous, son of Ixion, from Larissa; Peleus, son of Aeacus, from Phthia; Telamon, son of Aeacus, from Salamis; Eurytion, son of Actor, from Phthia; Atalanta, daughter of Schoeneus, from Arcadia; Amphiaraus, son of Oicles, from Argos. With them came also the sons of Thestius. And whePhthia; Atalanta, daughter of Schoeneus, from Arcadia; Amphiaraus, son of Oicles, from Argos. With them came also the sons of Thestius. And when they were assembled, Oeneus entertained them for nine days; but on the tenth, when Cepheus and Ancaeus and some others disdained to go hunting with a woman, Meleager compelled them to follow the chase with her, for he desired to have a child also by Atalanta, though he had to wife Cleopatra, daughter of Idas and Marpessa. When they surrounded the boar, Hyleus and Ancaeus were killed by the brute, and Peleus struck down Eurytion undesignedly with a javelin. Bu
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
Peleus fled to Phthia to the court of Eurytion, son of Actor, and was purified by him, and he received from him his daughter Antigone and the third part of the country.Compare Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 175 (vol. i. pp. 444ff., 447, ed. Muller); Ant. Lib. 38; Diod. 4.72.6; Scholiast on Aristoph. Cl. 1063; Eustathius on Hom. Il. ii.684, p. 321. There are some discrepancies in these accounts. According to Tzetzes and the Scholiast Lexikon der griech. und röm. Mythologie, iii.2641ff. Thence he went with Eurytion to hunt the Calydonian boar, but in throwing a dart at the hog he involuntarily struck and killed Eurytion. Therefore flying again from Phthia he betook him to Acastus at Iolcus and was purified by him.As to this involuntary homicide committed by Peleus and his purification by Acastus, see above, Apollod. 1.8.2; Scholiast on Aristoph. Cl. 1063; Ant. Lib.
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
Molossus, Pielus, and Pergamus by Andromache. and having vanquished the Molossians in battle he reigned as king and begat Molossus on Andromache. And Helenus founded a city in Molossia and inhabited it, and Neoptolemus gave him his mother Deidamia to wife.As to Deidamia, mother of Neoptolemus, see above, Apollod. 3.13.8. The marriage of Helenus to Deidamia appears not to be mentioned by any other ancient writer. And when Peleus was expelled from Phthia by the sons of AcastusAccording to Eur. Tro. 1126-1130, while Neoptolemus was still at Troy, he heard that his grandfather Peleus had been expelled by Acastus; hence he departed for home in haste, taking Andromache with him. The Scholiast on this passage of Euripides (1128) says that Peleus was expelled by Acastus's two sons, Archander and Architeles, and that the exiled king, going to meet his grandson Neoptolemus, was driven by a storm to the is
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 117 (search)
Enter by Eisodos A women of Phthia as Chorus. Chorus Woman, you who have been long sitting upon the floor of Thetis' shrine without leaving it, though I am a Phthian, I have come to you, scion of Asia, in the hope that I might be able to heal the struggles hard to resolve, struggles that have joined you, unhappy woman, and Hermione in haeateful quarrel about a bed two-fold, since you share a husband, the son of Achilles.
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 183 (search)
ded me to deprive you of your lawful due as a wife? [Is it that Sparta is a lesser city than Troy and is surpassed in fortune by it, and that you see me a free woman?] Was it in order that I might bear children instead of you, slaves and a miserable appendage to myself? Or is it that, emboldened by youth and a body in the bloom of its prime, by the greatness of my city and by friends, I mean to possess your house instead of you? Or will people put up with my children as the royal family of Phthia if you do not bear any? Naturally, since the Greeks love me both for Hector's sake . And am I myself obscure and not rather one of Troy's royal family? No, it is not because of any drugs of mine that your husband dislikes you but the fact that you are not fit to live with. For this too is a means of procuring love. It is not beauty but good qualities that give joy to husbands. But if you get angry, then Sparta is
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 384 (search)
o blame? Will you let go the cause and attack the effect that came after? Alas for my misery! O my unhappy fatherland, what injustice I suffer! Why must I even have given birth and doubled the burden I bear? [But why do I lament these things but do not consider to their last drop the misfortunes immediately before me?] I saw Hector dragged to death behind a chariot and Troy put piteously to the torch, and I myself went, pulled by the hair, as a slave to the Argive ships. And when I came to Phthia, I was made the bride of Hector's slayer. How can life be sweet for me? To what shall I look? To my past or my present fate? I had left a single son, the eye of my life: those who have decided these things mean to kill him. But no, not to save my wretched life! If he survives he bears our hopes, while for me not to die on behalf of my child is a reproach. She leaves the altar and puts her arms about Molossus. There, I leave the altar and am in your hands, to cut my throat, slay, imprison,
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 501 (search)
Andromache sung Here am I, hands bloodied with the tight bonds about them, being sent down to death. Boy sung Mother, o mother, under your wing I go down as well. Andromache sung This is a cruel sacrifice, o rulers of Phthia! Boy sung Father, come and help those you love. Andromache sung Dear child, you will lie below dead with your dead mother, next to her breast. Boy sung Oh me! What will become of me? Unhappy are we, you and I, mother.
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 642 (search)
son Achilles, was Hector's brother, and she was Hector's wife.] Yet you share the same roof with her, you think it right to have her at your table, and you allow her to give birth in your house to children who are your bitterest enemies. And when I, in forethought for you and for me, meant to kill her, I find she is snatched from my hands. Yet come now (it is no shame to touch on this point) if my daughter has no children and Andromache does, will you set them up as kings over the land of Phthia, and will they, though barbarian in race, rule over Greeks? After that can you maintain that I, who hate what is not right, am lacking in judgment, while it is you that have sense? [Consider now this point too. If you had given your daughter to one of your fellow-citizens and she had suffered this kind of treatment, would you sit by in silence? I do not think so. Yet do you, on behalf of a foreigner, shout such things at your close kin? Further, a woman groans as much as a man when she is w
Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs), line 693 (search)
with others' having children just because she herself has none. If her luck in respect to children is bad, must we be bereft of offspring? Clear away from this woman, slaves, so that I may learn whether anyone means to prevent me from loosening her hands. To Andromache Raise yourself up! Andromache rises to her feet Though I tremble with age, I will loosen the plaited thongs. To Menelaus Did you, base coward, mar her hands thus? Was it a bull or a lion you thought you were tying up with the noose? Or were you afraid that she might take a sword and wreak vengeance on you? To Molossus Come here under my arm, child, and help me to untie your mother's bonds. In Phthia I shall bring you to manhood to be a great enemy to these people. If you Spartans did not have your reputation won by spear-fighting, you may be sure that in other respects you are no one's superior. Chorus Leader Old men are a thing that knows no restraint and are hard to keep a watch on because of their quick temper.
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