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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 24: White vendetta. (search)
ry day last year? Has any of the Sisney party suffered for that crime? It is but turn about. So reason all the tribe of Sheriff Frank. A murder was committed in the previous year. Who doubts that some of the Bulliner family had marked this day for Sisney's death? On searching out the facts, I find a story of vendetta in the Prairie lands, which for vindictive passion equals the most brutal quarrels in Ajaccio and the Monte d'oro; almost rivals in atrocity the blood feuds of the two Cherokee factions in Vinta between Stand Watie and Jack Ross. Colonel Sisney and George Bulliner were neighbours, living on adjoining farms, near Carterville. Sisney had a farm of three hundred and sixty acres, Bulliner a farm, a saw mill, and a woollen mill. Sisney, a native of the country, had served in the war, and gained the rank of captain. How he obtained the grade of colonel, no one seems to know; he may have been commissioned in the way of Colonel Brown. Bulliner was a new comer, who
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 26: Cherokee feuds. (search)
Chapter 26: Cherokee feuds. what is about to happen? we enquire of a settler at Olathe, a city with six log shanties, a church, a school, a drinking bar, and a fringe of maize. Olathe is suffering from a scare. Three weeks ago, five men with masked faces, stopped the train running from Fort Scott to Kansas City, in open day. Two of the five men kept guard, their rifles cocked, while their pals entered the cars, and rifled the express of thirty thousand dollars. No one interfered, for who could tell how many passengers were members of the gang? Why should a man expose himself to fire and steel? The thieves got off. But that affair is three weeks old; the present scare arises from events to come. A gang of Cherokees, under Billy Ross, their savage chief, are coming up the country, swearing they will burn out the White men and carry off the White women from Vinita, that is what's going to happen, growls a settler on the Kansas plain. But surely, I venture to put in,
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 27: a Zambo village. (search)
heir most primitive stages-each in a phase not. seen at Richmond, Charleston, and New Orleans. Before the war broke out, all Negroes living on the Indian soil were slaves. They were the property of Creek and Choctaw, Seminole, Chickasaw, and Cherokee — the five nations which are said to be reclaimed from their savage state. Their lot was hard, their suffering sharp; no harder lot, no sharper suffering, known on earth. In other places servitude is softened by some tie of race, of language, ive a lot in life more wretched than that of being a Red man's slave? To be a White man's thrall was bad enough; but on the worst plantation in Georgia and Alabama there were elements of tenderness and justice never to be found in the best of Cherokee and Seminole camps. In Georgia and Alabama ladies were always near, and children constantly in sight. A civilised and Christian society lay around. People lived by law, and even where cruel masters abounded most, the forces of society were o
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 30: Oklahoma. (search)
Chapter 30: Oklahoma. Oklahoma is the name proposed by Creek and Cherokee radicals for the Indian countries, when the tribes shall have become a people, and the hunting grounds a State. Enthusiasts, like Adair and Boudinot, dream of such a time. These Indians cannot heal their tribal wounds, nor get their sixteen thousand Cherokees to live in peace; yet they indulge the hope of reconciling Creek and Seminole, Choctaw and Chickasaw, under a common rule and a single flag. Still more, thon the Plains believes that any full-blooded Indian can be civilised. A Red man cannot understand a White man's law. Take the last decision of Chief Justice Waite and his learned brethren of the Supreme Court, and ask how either a Creek or Cherokee, not to say an Osage or a Kickapoo, is to comprehend such law? Years ago the Indians, as the weaker party, became subject to a general law of removal by the State from one point to another. If their hunting grounds were wanted by White farmers
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 1, Chapter 31: Red and Black. (search)
hange for other lands and forests, to be his own, according to Indian usages, as long as grain grows and water runs, should give the Black man so many rights and privileges, that he is everywhere equal, in many places superior, to the White men. Creeks and Cherokees give up the puzzle. In Taliquah, chief camp of the Cherokees nation, a little sheet of news is printed by a mixed blood editor, from which I cut this paragraph — a summary of the Red Question, as the matters strike an educated Cherokee: As a people we are not prepared for American citizenship. Not that we are not sufficiently intelligent, or honest, or industrious, or lack much of any of those substantial qualities which go to make a person fit to be free anywhere. But that we have not that training in and experience of those arts of guile which a condition of freedom authorizes, if it does not encourage, to be employed against the unsuspecting-both being equally free to cheat and be cheated — as a national right.