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rying beef and preparing meal, and said they were about sending off their women and children; that they had murdered Brooks Williams, an American trader among them; that they said a large body of Indians, composed of Caddoes, Keechies, Ionies, Tawacanies, Wacocs, and Cornanches, were expected to attack the American settlements; that the Cherokees gave every indication of joining them; that the number of warriors embodied on the Trinity was estimated at 1,700; and that Bolles, the principal Cherokee chief, advised the agents to leave the country, as there was danger. M. B. Menard, who was sent to the Shawnee, Delaware, and Kickapoo tribes, reported that, while these tribes were friendly, they had been visited by Bolles, who urged them to take up arms against the Americans. Yoakum, History of Texas, vol. II., pp. 125-127, In consequence, three companies, numbering 220 men, were detained, and three more were delayed in completing their organization, until it was too late to aid
ily and forage for his work-animals; a crop of cotton, for the purchase of supplies; a small crop of sugar-cane; and an ample supply of all sorts of vegetables. To these ends he gave a good deal of hard labor in the field and garden, but he did not neglect the simple but delightful recreation of the flower-garden. His house was shaded by a grove of the fragrant pride of China, and the spacious yard contained towering live-oaks, pecans, and other beautiful native forest-trees. A hedge of Cherokee rose with its snowy bloom protected the inclosure; and an ample orchard of figs and peaches furnished its fruits for the table. When General Johnston went there, he was told leeks were the only vegetable that would thrive, but he soon proved that hardly any vegetable known to American gardens would fail under ordinary care. It is true that he was careful, patient, industrious, and skillful in plant-nurture; but all this is necessary to the best success anywhere. The frequent allusions
few hundred yards above or below the fortifications, and the enemy should attempt to force either of these crossings, we could quickly throw up temporary breastworks to cover our battery, and with grape and canister inflict a heavy loss upon them before they got over. But I will not state farther what we could do in an event that is not likely to occur. It is barely possible, however, that Generals Cooper and Cabell have contemplated joining forces to reduce this place. Several loyal Cherokee women, who have just arrived from near Cincinnati,a small place about sixty miles east of this post, on the State line, report that a large force of the enemy, perhaps upwards of a thousand strong, were encamped at that point a few days ago. These women state that the enemy were all white troops, and appeared to be moving northward. We think that this is a party of General Cabell's force, which has been operating in western Arkansas during the last month. Should General Cabell undertake t
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, Chapter 6: a night in the water. (search)
ortunity at last arrived, and I shall never forget the glee with which, after several postponements, I finally rode forth, a little before midnight, on a night which seemed made for the purpose. I had, of course, kept my own secret, and was entirely alone. The great Southern fireflies were out, not haunting the low ground merely, like ours, but rising to the loftiest tree-tops with weird illumination, and anon hovering so low that my horse often stepped the higher to avoid them. The dewy Cherokee roses brushed my face, the solemn Chuckwill's-widow croaked her incantation, and the rabbits raced phantom-like across the shadowy road. Slowly in the darkness I followed the well-known path to the spot where our most advanced outposts were stationed, holding a causeway which thrust itself far out across the separating river,--thus fronting a similar causeway on the other side, while a channel of perhaps three hundred yards, once traversed by a ferry-boat, rolled between. At low tide this
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 30: Longstreet moves to Georgia. (search)
king on Mission Ridge. The Chickamauga River, rising from the mountains south, flows in its general course a little east of north to conflux with the Tennessee River. The Ridge runs nearly parallel with the river, and opens up a valley a mile wide. It is a bold outcropping of limestone about one hundred feet above the valley, with occasional passes, or gaps, that are strong points of guard for defence. Four miles northwest from the Union left was the gap at Rossville, called for the old Cherokee chief. On its right was the pass of the Dry Valley road, and immediately in its rear was the McFarland Gap. The line of the Lafayette road lies about parallel with the Ridge to within a mile of the Union left, when it bends westward and leads to the Rossville Gap. The Dry Valley road crosses the Chickamauga at Glass's Mills, courses along the east slope of the Ridge, crosses it, and joins on the west the road that crosses at the McFarland Gap. The Union left was east of the Chattanoo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
nted Jan. 29. commander of the Trans-Mississippi Department; He had come from Richmond with instructions from Davis to stop the march of the National troops southward. also by General Albert Pike, See page 475, volume I. at the head of a considerable body of half-civilized Indians, making the whole Confederate force, including large 1 numbers of Arkansas compulsory recruits, about twenty-five thousand a strong. Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas troops under McCulloch, 18,000 Choctaw, Cherokee, Chickasaw, and other Indians, with two white regiments under Pike, about 4,000; and Missouri troops under Price, about 8,000. These were in and near Boston Mountains at the beginning of March. Van Dorn, the senior officer, was in chief command, and he was rallying the whole Confederate army in that quarter, to drive Curtis back into Missouri. The forces of the latter, of all arms, did not at that time exceed eleven thousand men, with forty-nine pieces of artillery, including a mountain h
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
Malvern (a river or bay steamer), the flag-ship; New Ironsides, Brooklyn, Mohican, Tacony, Kansas, Unadilla, Huron, Pequot, Yantic, Maumee, Pawtuxet, Pontoosuc, Nyack. Ticonderoga, Shenandoah, Juniata, Powhatan, Susquehanna, Wabash, Colorado, Minnesota, Vanderbilt, Mackinaw, Tuscarora, Vicksburg, St. Jago de Cuba, Fort Jackson, Osceola, Sassacus, Chippewa, Maratanza, R. R. Cuyler, Rhode Island, Monticello, Alabama, Montgomery, Keystone State, Queen City, Iosco, Aries, Howquah, Wilderness, Cherokee, A. D. Vance, Moccasin, Eolus, Gettysburg, Emma, Lillian, Nansemond, Tristram Shandy, Britannia, Governor Buckingham, Saugus, Monadnock, Canonicus, Mahopac. Total, 58. The last four were monitors. On the evening of the 15th, the transports, with the troops, arrived at the prescribed rendezvous, about twenty-five miles at sea, east of Fort Fisher. The ocean was perfectly calm, and remained so for three days, while the army was anxiously waiting for the navy; for the landing of troops c
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
9 13 24,376 84 Philadelphia April 26, 1865 Flag, Restless. Schooner Experiment 20,785 18 1,460 11 19,325 07 New Orleans July 28, 1864 Virginia. Steamer Elsie and cargo 216,619 79 5,249 22 211,370 57 Boston Dec. 2, 1864 Quaker City, Keystone State. Schooner Emma 32,122 15 3,727 88 28,394 27 New Orleans Feb. 21, 1865 Mobile. Steamer Ella and Annie 185,500 01 5,486 62 181,013 79 Boston Feb. 24, 1865 Niphon. Steamer Emma Henry 294,869 01 5,973 92 288,895 09 New York Feb. 28, 1865 Cherokee. Schooner Eliza 5,745 41 666 71 5,078 70 Key West April 21, 1865 Roebuck. Schooner Ezilda 3,415 07 1 255 71 2,159 36 New York April 21, 1865 South Carolina. Brig Eco. 4,281 21 1,039 35 3,246 86 New Orleans Aug. 23, 1865 Gertrude, Princess, Royal, Kanawha, Cayuga. Schooner Flash 2,485 61 1,117 18 1,368 43 New York Dec. 1, 1863 Restless, Onward. Brig Falcon 3,655 93 1,263 29 2,392 64 do Jan. 2, 1863 South Carolina. Schooner Florida 1,865 00 1,106 76 758 24 do Nov. 20, 1863 M
or. Respectfully, your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General. About the time all necessary preparations verged to a completion, and I anticipated to move forward once more, heavy rains again delayed our supplies, as will be shown by the subjoined communication from Colonel Brent: Headquarters Military Division of the West, Tuscumbia, Alabama, November 17th, 1864. General:--General Beauregard instructs me to say that a bridge about three miles from Tuscumbia on road to Cherokee, is now being constructed, and that, for want of workmen, it cannot be completed in less than five or six days, and at this point the road is almost impassable. There are also other points on the road which will become impassable, should the rain continue. He thinks it important that a proper force should be sent to complete the improvements as early as possible. Respectfully, your obedient servant, George W. Brent, Colonel and A. A. G. In compliance with this request, working par
headquarters, Army of Tennessee, Near Nashville, Dec. 11th, 1864. Hon. Jas. A. Seddon, Secretary of War, Richmond, Va. Sir:--On the 21st of November, after a delay of three weeks, caused by the bad condition of the railroad from Okolona to Cherokee, and of the dirt road from the latter point to Florence, and also by the absence of Major General Forrest's command, this Army moved forward from Florence--Major General Cheatham's Corps taking the road leading towards Waynesboroa, and the otherugh much injured by the enemy, will furnish an abundance of commissary stores, but ordnance and certain quarter master stores will have to come from the rear, and, therefore, it is very important that the railroad should be repaired at once from Cherokee to Decatur; the cars can run now from here to Pulaski on the Tennessee and Alabama Railroad. We have sufficient rolling stock captured from the enemy to answer our purposes. I will endeavor to put this road in order from Pulaski to Decatur as
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