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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AIUS LOCUTIUS, ARA (search)
AIUS LOCUTIUS, ARA an altar erected in 390 B.C. by order of the senate at the north corner of the Palatine in infima Nova via, opposite the grove of Vesta. It was dedicated to the deus indiges, Aius Locutius (Loquens, Cic. de div. ii. 69), the speaking voice. Tradition agreed in relating that in 391 a plebeian, M. Caedicius, heard at night at this point a voice that warned the Romans of the invasion of the Gauls. No attention was paid to this warning until after the event, when the altar was built in expiation (Cic. de div. i. 101 ; ii. 69; Varro ap. Gell. xvi. 17; Liv. v. 32. 6, 50. 5, 52. I I; Plut. Cam. 30: vew\n fh/mhs kai\ klhdo/nos: de fort. Rom. 5: e(/dh). Besides ara, this altar is also referred to as saceUum (Liv. v. 32) and templum (ib. v. 50, 52), but there is no doubt that it was an enclosed altar in the open air. This altar has no connection with that found on the south-west slope of the Palatine near the Velabrum, dedicated sive deo sive deivae (CIL i 2. 801 =v
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AVENTINUS MONS (search)
t VICUS PORTAE RAUDUSCULANAE (q.v.), followed by the modern Viale di porta S. Paolo, and beyond this depression rises another elevation which gradually sloped off to the Almo beyond the;line of the Aurelian wall. This part of the hill, on which stand the churches of S. Saba and S. Balbina, is sometimes called the pseudo- Aventine (see below), but is usually included under the Aventine. The line of the 'Servian' There are, however, no traces in this section of any construction earlier than 390 B.C. (see MURUS SERVII TULLII). wall-crossed this eastern elevation south of S. Saba and west of S. Balbina, and thus included a section that was considerably smaller than the trapezoidal hill to the north-west. Whether Aventinus originally included both these parts of the hill has been the subject of much discussion and cannot be regarded as settled. Ennius (ap. Cic. de Div. i. 107) seems to distinguish sharply between them, while later, in the last century of the republic and early empire,
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, CAPITOLINUS MONS (search)
DUS MONETAE (qq.v.), which led to the top of the hill from the forum side. The Capitolium proper, or south summit, was occupied by the most famous of all Roman temples, that of IUPPITER OPTIMUS MAXIMUS CAPITOLINUS (q.v.), and the AREA CAPITOLINA (q.v.) or space in which this temple and others stood; while on the north summit were the Arx and temple of IUNO MONETA (q.v.). During the first centuries of the republic, private dwellings were erected to some extent on the hill, for in the year 390 B.C. there was a guild of those who dwelt in Capitolio atque arce (Liv. v. 50); and after the treason of Manlius, a law was passed which forbade any patrician to live on either summit (Liv. vi. 20). In spite of such prohibitions, the gradual destruction of the fortifications and the demands of a rapidly increasing population led to continual encroachments upon this quasi- sacred hill. In 93 B.C. a considerable tract, which had belonged to the priests, was sold and came into private pos
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, COMITIUM (search)
60 metres above sea-level, traces were found of a layer of beaten earth not unlike a primitive pavement ; and a little above this a compact stratum of a large number of broken roof tiles of an early type was brought to light at the same time. They are clearly the debris of some building or buildings close at hand destroyed by fire, and belonging to the level below them. They cannot, it is held, be earlier than the 6th century B.C., and it may be the fire that followed the Gallic invasion of 390 B.C. that is in question. (2) At 10.85 to 10.90 above sea-level, i.e. at the same level as the cappellaccio pavements of the forum, a hard stratum of tufa and earth beaten together was found. It was about 8 cm. thick, and was either the bed of a pavement or the pavement itself; for from it a low flight of steps led up to the platform of the rostra Vetera (the straight flight of steps in HC pl. v., where it is shown in black and lettered rostra Vetera?) and a similar flight of steps descended to
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, IUNO MONETA, AEDES (search)
r was dedicated on ist June. and the temple on ioth October. (cf. CIL is. p. 331). In it were kept the libri lintei (Liv. iv. 7. 12, 20. 8), and it is mentioned in connection with the prodigia for 196 B.C. (Liv. xxxiii. 26. 8:ad Monetam duarum hastarum spicula arserant). It is altogether probable that this temple of Camillus replaced an earlier cult centre of luno Moneta, to which reference is made by Plutarch (Cam. 27), when speaking of the sacred geese that were kept around her temple in 390 B.C. Various explanations were given by the Roman antiquarians of the epithet Moneta. Cicero (de Div. i. 101) says that it was derived from the warning voice of the goddess, heard in the temple on the occasion of an earthquake, ' ut sue plena procuratio fieret.' Suidas (s.v. *monh=ta) states that during the war with Tarentum the Romans, needing money, obtained it by following the advice of Juno; and that in gratitude they gave her the epithet Moneta and decided to establish the mint in her temp
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, PALATINUS MONS (search)
equally sceptical; but cf. Hilsen in Geogr. Jahrb. xxxiv. (1911), 191, 192. The legend of the LUPERCAL (q.v.) speaks also for the early dating of the foundation of the Palatine settlement; nor can it be proved that the Luperci Collini were earlier than those of the Palatine; cf. Fest. 87: Faviani et Quintiliani appellabantur luperci, a Favio et Quintilio praepositis suis; Fest. 257 (similar); CIL vi. 1933 (the inscription of a Lupercus Quinctialis vetus); Ov. Fast. ii. 377; Liv. v. 46 (B.C. 390):sacrificium erat statum in Quirinali cole genti Fabiae. Richter 32 is wrong in referring to the earliest Palatine settlement oppida condebant Etrusco ritu (Varro LL. v. 143) and Cato ap. Serv. ad Aen. v. 755: conditores enim civitatis taurum in dextram, vaccam intrinsecus iungebant et ita sulco ducto loca murorum designebant, for it was a Latin community, and no Etruscans had as yet reached Latium (REi.A. 1013; cf.Klio 1905,85; Korte in RE vi.743). ROMAQUADRATA is also recent in its extended
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, POMERIUM (search)
Soc. iv. 246-254; Pl. 35-38; Ausonia 1912, 177-198; TAPA 1913, 19-24; AJA 1918, 176). The successive stages in the growth of the city (see SEPTIMONTIUM, REGIONES QUATTUOR) mark corresponding enlargements of its pomerium, but when the Servian wall was constructed the line of the pomerium was not extended to coincide with it, but remained as it had been during the previous period, the Esquiline remaining outside it (for the Aventine, which was probably not included within the wall until after 390 B.C., see CP 1909, 420-432). And so it remained until the time of Sulla. He was the first Roman to extend the pomerium, and he based his action on this principle (Gell. xiii. 14. 3): habebat autem ius proferendi pomerii qui populum Romanum agro de hostibus capto auxerat. In his time this referred to territory in Italy (Sen. de brev. vit. 13; Mommsen, Staatsrecht ii. 738), but later it was expanded to cover the ager barbaricus (Hist. Aug. Aurel. 21). Of Sulla's extension nothing is known, nor of
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, REGIA (search)
Arvales (CIL vi. 2023. 9). ATRIUM REGIUM (q.v.) is referred to the regia by Jord. i. 2. 380, and Toeb. 3. The regia was burned and restored in 148 B.C. (Obseq. 19; Liv. epit. Oxyrh. 127-129; Gilb. iii. 407 (for a possible burning by the Gauls in 390 B.C., see Mem. Am. Acad. ii. 59-60)); and again in 36 B.C., when the restoration was carried out by Cn. Domitius Calvinus who created a building, small but of unusual beauty (Cass. Dio xlviii. 42; cf. Plin. NH xxxiv. 48; CIL vi. 1301 ; EE iii. 266). epublican remains are found only in the foundations of the imperial structure, the ground plan of which is practically identical. There are traces of the repairs of 148, while the walls of cappellaccio probably date from well before the fire of 390 B.C. After the restoration of Calvinus the regia was shaped like an irregular pentagon, filling the space between the Sacra via, the temenos of Vesta, and the temple of Julius Caesar, and consisting of parts unsymmetrically joined together. The princ
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, VESTA, AEDES (search)
A STERCORARIA), the Palladium brought by Aeneas from Troy (Ov. Trist. iii. I. 29; Dionys. ii. 66), and other sacra (Dionys. loc. cit.), which were kept in a secret recess called the penus Vestae (Fest. 250: penus vocatur intumus in aede Vestae tegetibus Saeptus; Serv. Aen. iii. 12; cf. Fest. 158, 161; Altm. 59-60), but no statue of the goddess herself (Ov. Fast. vi. 295-298; see AEDICULA VESTAE, S. ATRIUM VESTAE, ad fin.). This temple was undoubtedly burned when the Gauls sacked the city in 390 B.C. (Liv. v. 42; Plut. Cam. 21), and again in 241 when Caecilius Metellus rescued the Palladium at the cost of his sight, which was miraculously restored (Liv. ep. 19; Oros. iv. ii. 9; Ov. Fast. vi. 437-454; Dionys. ii. 66; Plin. NH vii. 141; Val. Max. i. 4. 5). In 210 it was saved from burning by the devotion of thirteen slaves (Liv. xxvi. 27), and again in 14 it was threatened and the sacra removed (Cass. Dio liv. 24). In the great fire of 64 A.D. it was burned, but soon restored, probably b
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
ed, 102. 496of Cares, Liber and Libera vowed, 109. Lacus Juturnae, 311. 495Temple of Mercur dedicated, 339. 493of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 109 484of Castor dedicated, 102 466Aedes of Semo Sancus dedicated, 469. 456Part of Aventine given to Plebs, 67. 445Lacus Curtius (?), 310. 439Conlumna Minucia, 133. 435Villa Publica built, 581. 433Temple of Apollo vowed, 5. 430of Apollo dedicated, 15. 395of Mater Matuta restored, 330. 392of Juno Regina on Aventine dedicated, 290. 390The Gallic fire: debris in Comitium, 135, 451; Regia burnt, 441; Templ of Vesta burnt, 557. Ara Aii Locutii dedicated by Senate, 3. 389(after). Via Latina, 564. 388Area Capitolina enlarged, 48. Temple of Mars on Via Appia, 328. 384Patrians forbidden to dwell on Arx or Capitol, 54, 97. 378Fortifications of Palatine, 376. 377-353The 'Servian ' walls rebuilt, 353. 375Temple of Juno Lucina, 288. 367of Concord vowed, 138. 344Camills builds Temple of Juno Moneta, 54, 289. 338Colum