Linked Data Finland
This dataset includes data regarding Finnish Parliamentary debates and actors. The RDF data has been converted using data from the Parliament of Finland's data services and Wikidata; we call the new dataset ParliamentSampo.
The Knowledge Graph contains harmonized data of:
- speeches from the plenary sessions of the Finnish Parliament 1907–2023, and
- members and organizations of the Parliament.
The data model is designed for representing speeches, interruptions, items (on agenda), documents and other aspects related to plenary session speeches and minutes as well as member of the parliament and biographical information about them focusing on their political career.
To test and demonstrate its usefulness, this Knowledge Graph is in use in the semantic portal ParliamentSampo, explained in more detail in the project page.
The Knowledge Graph is published on Zenodo with a version history.
The Knowledge Graph can be downloaded also as CSV files (Speeches, Actors) and Parla-CLARIN XML files.
Example SPARQL queries for the data:
Data Download
The data can be downloaded at
Detailed Dataset Contents
Finnish Parliamentary Debates (URI:
( Browse data )Speeches and interruptions gathered from the minutes of the Parliament of Finland's plenary sessions.
Example resource URI:
Plenary session items and referred documents (URI:
( Browse data )Plenary session items and referred parliamentary document details of the Parliament of Finland.
Example resource URI:
Sessions and minute transcriptions (URI:
( Browse data )Plenary and parliamentary sessions of the Parliament of Finland. Plenary session minutes transcript details.
Example resource URI:
Finnish Government Proposals (URI:
( Browse data )Government proposals of the Parliament of Finland.
Example resource URI:
Statuses, languages, speech types and parliamentary roles (URI:
( Browse data )Labels and instances of various metadata from other graphs; Transcript status, speech language, speech types and parties' parliamentary role.
Example resource URI:
Members of Parliament (URI:
( Browse data )Actor data consists of people and organization data. The people data includes the members of Parliament, ministers, and other significant people in the politics of Finnish. The resources include biographical data and linkage to external databases. The organization data includes, e.g., parties, committees, parliamental groups, as well as public organizations like schools and companies.
Example resource URI:
Distances between the MPs (URI:
( Browse data )Precalculated distance values between the MPs. The data in this graph is constructed based on members mutual participation in parliamental, governmental and private organizations. In web portal this information is used in rendering the network of MPs.
Example resource URI:
Events of the people (URI:
( Browse data )Event graph consists of events of lifetime, education, career, political activities, and affiliations of the members of Parliament. Each resource contains a timespan and possible links to related timespans, places and occupations.
Example resource URI:
Occupations (URI:
( Browse data )Occupation data containing labels in Finnish, also in Swedish and English when available, and linkage to AMMO Ontology of Finnish Historical Occupations
Example resource URI:
Place ontology (URI:
( Browse data )The graph of places consists of geographical data extracted from Geonames database. The resources contain place labels in multiple languages, coordinate information, place hierarchy, and linkage to external databases.
Example resource URI:
Publications (URI:
( Browse data )The publications, e.g., books or articles authored or concerning the members of Parliament. The resources contain the label and the time of publishing. The data is automatically extracted from the source material.
Example resource URI:
Relations (URI:
( Browse data )The graph of relations contains the family relations of the actors. The data is modelled according to the Bioc CRM schema. The data is extracted from Wikidata and BiographySampo publication.
Example resource URI:
Timespans (URI:
( Browse data )The graph of times consists of timespans using the CIDOC CRM based four point model with a precision of one day. The resources are automically extracted for the source data
Example resource URI:
Linguistics (URI:
( Browse data )The linguistics graph contains linguistic metadata on parlamentary speeches starting from 05/2015. This metadata includes named entities, lemmatized texts, keywords, and classification according to EKS subject headings
Example resource URI:
ParliamentSampo Metadata Schema (URI:
( Browse data )ParliamentSampo Metadata Schema is used for representing the Speeches and Actor graphs which are part of the ParliamentSampo Knowledge Graph ( as Linked Data. The Knowledge Graph contains harmonized data of 1) speeches from the plenary sessions of the Finnish Parliament 1907-2023 and 2) members and organizations of the Parliament. The metadata schema is designed for representing speeches, interruptions, items (on agenda), documents and other aspects related to plenary session speeches and minutes as well as member of the parliament and biographical information about them focusing on their political career.
Schemas Used
Following schemas (vocabularies) are used in the datasets above:
- ParliamentSampo Metadata Schema: documentation, download
URI Data Services
Give the URI without brackets (<>) and without encoding.
Human Use Case 1: Viewing the RDF Description of a URI
Human Use Case 2: Linked Data Browsing Starting from a URI
Machine Use Case: Getting the RDF Description of a Resource
If the URI is dereferenceable, e.g., minted at the domain, just input the URI in a browser or use it in your favourite software. For example: URI= If the URI is described in this LDF service you can use the URI template no matter whether the URI is dereferenceable or not: just input the URI in the form below:
SPARQL Endpoint:
Queries are represented using the URI template:
Query Test Form
SPARQL Service Description
Get the description in RDF. (Notice: A service description is not available for all datasets - then empty description is returned. If you open the link in browser you are directed to a SPARQL query form instead of the RDF description. You can access the service description by making an HTTP query without an Accept header (e.g. curl).) LDF uses W3C SPARQL Service Description recommendation for this.Visualization
A general Google Charts visualization is available here.