Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland
Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen Nimiarkisto

Linked Data Finland


The dataset contains approximately 2.3 million place name records from the place name collections gathered during a period of over 100 years in the Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland. The data can be searched and analyzed in the NameSampo service.

Example SPARQL queries for the data:


CC BY 4.0

Licensor: Institute for the Languages of Finland, Semanttisen laskennan tutkimusryhmä (SeCo)

See possible graph-specific licenses below.

Detailed Dataset Contents

Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland (URI:

( Browse data / Download )

This graph contains approximately 2 million place name records from the Names Archive of the Institute for the Languages of Finland. More information about the source data:

RDF version by SeCo @ Aalto University.

Information included: place name, place type, municipality, coordinates, collection year.

Example resource URI:

Schemas Used

Following schemas (vocabularies) are used in the datasets above:

URI Data Services

Give the URI without brackets (<>) and without encoding.

Human Use Case 1: Viewing the RDF Description of a URI

View the RDF description of a URI using the template:

View result in browser (accept header = text/plain)

Human Use Case 2: Linked Data Browsing Starting from a URI

Start browsing from a URI using the template


Machine Use Case: Getting the RDF Description of a Resource

If the URI is dereferenceable, e.g., minted at the domain, just input the URI in a browser or use it in your favourite software. For example: URI= If the URI is described in this LDF service you can use the URI template no matter whether the URI is dereferenceable or not: just input the URI in the form below:

Give URI:


SPARQL Endpoint:

Queries are represented using the URI template:

Query Test Form

View result in original form in browser (content-type = text/plain).
By default (XML/HTML and the "text/plain" check box not checked) the result is presented as an HTML table with links to related resources.
Note: With DESCRIBE/CONSTRUCT queries "Text" format means Turtle, "CSV" and "TSV" formats cannot be used, and checking the "text/plain" check box presents the result in N-Triples.

SPARQL Service Description

Get the description in RDF. (Notice: A service description is not available for all datasets - then empty description is returned. If you open the link in browser you are directed to a SPARQL query form instead of the RDF description. You can access the service description by making an HTTP query without an Accept header (e.g. curl).) LDF uses W3C SPARQL Service Description recommendation for this.


A general Google Charts visualization is available here.

Semantic Computing Research GroupAalto UniversityUniversity of HelsinkiTekes