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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 18 0.451 0 0 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
311666 2 0.064 0 0 Polybius, Histories
305870 12 0.392 0 0 Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae
298102 2 0.067 0 0 Aristides, Aelius, Orationes
284417 16 0.563 0 0 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-XX
279736 6 0.214 0 0 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 6 0.226 0 0 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
192194 2 0.104 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Library
177900 2 0.112 0 0 Dio Chrysostom, Orationes
150173 4 0.266 0 0 Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
116927 64 5.474 0 0 Appian, The Civil Wars
111862 2 0.179 0 0 Homer, Iliad
110982 2 0.18 0 0 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
105765 14 1.324 0 0 Appian, The Foreign Wars
88388 2 0.226 0 0 Plato, Republic
87185 9 1.032 0 0 Homer, Odyssey
83898 4 0.477 0 0 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
79293 2 0.252 0 0 Xenophon, Cyropaedia
66514 6 0.902 0 0 Xenophon, Hellenica
57174 2 0.35 0 0 Xenophon, Anabasis
56626 2 0.353 0 0 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics
46047 4 0.869 0 0 Philostratus the Athenian, Vitae Sophistarum
32442 6 1.849 0 0 Elegy and Iambus, Volume I
28410 2 0.704 0 0 Demosthenes, Speeches 1-10
26896 2 0.744 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume III
24991 2 0.8 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume IV
21294 2 0.939 0 0 Pindar, Odes
13759 2 1.454 0 0 Arrian, Indica
12197 2 1.64 0 0 Plutarch, Cicero
11854 2 1.687 0 0 Plutarch, Dion
9161 4 4.366 0 0 Plutarch, Timoleon
8955 4 4.467 0 0 Plutarch, De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute
8828 2 2.266 0 0 Julian the Emperor, To the Cynic Heracleios, Oration VII
8393 2 2.383 0 0 Plutarch, Phocion
8338 2 2.399 0 0 Plutarch, De Alexandri magni fortuna aut virtute
7760 2 2.577 0 0 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Lysia
7040 2 2.841 0 0 Hesiod, Theogony
5341 2 3.745 0 0 Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes
4551 2 4.395 0 0 Plutarch, Agis