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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
218450 1 0.046 1 0.046 Pausanias, Description of Greece
137783 1 0.073 1 0.073 New Testament
125221 4 0.319 4 0.319 Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii
116927 1 0.086 1 0.086 Appian, The Civil Wars
111862 6 0.536 6 0.536 Homer, Iliad
105765 1 0.095 1 0.095 Appian, The Foreign Wars
103320 1 0.097 1 0.097 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
87185 14 1.606 14 1.606 Homer, Odyssey
38825 7 1.803 7 1.803 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
32442 1 0.308 1 0.308 Elegy and Iambus, Volume I
31860 1 0.314 1 0.314 Greek Anthology, Volume I
24991 1 0.4 1 0.4 Greek Anthology, Volume IV
24954 1 0.401 1 0.401 Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus
21396 1 0.467 1 0.467 Greek Anthology, Volume V
18505 1 0.54 1 0.54 Plutarch, Antony
12353 1 0.81 1 0.81 Plutarch, Demetrius
11182 1 0.894 1 0.894 Plutarch, Camillus
10944 1 0.914 1 0.914 Sophocles, Oedipus at Colonus
10406 1 0.961 1 0.961 Aristophanes, Clouds
9122 1 1.096 1 1.096 Sophocles, Electra
8494 1 1.177 1 1.177 Aeschylus, Agamemnon
8243 1 1.213 1 1.213 Euripides, Heracles
7984 1 1.253 1 1.253 Euripides, Bacchae
7662 1 1.305 1 1.305 Sophocles, Antigone
7360 1 1.359 1 1.359 Plutarch, Artaxerxes
7344 1 1.362 1 1.362 Euripides, Suppliants
7040 2 2.841 2 2.841 Hesiod, Theogony
5860 1 1.706 1 1.706 Hesiod, Works and Days
4389 1 2.278 1 2.278 Euripides, Cyclops
4244 1 2.356 1 2.356 Lucian, Contemplantes
4177 1 2.394 1 2.394 Plutarch, Caius Gracchus
3298 1 3.032 1 3.032 Hesiod, Shield of Heracles