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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
184947 8 0.433 0 0 Herodotus, The Histories
111862 2 0.179 0 0 Homer, Iliad
103320 2 0.194 0 0 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
87185 1 0.115 1 0.115 Homer, Odyssey
83898 6 0.715 0 0 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
31860 4 1.255 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume I
21518 4 1.859 0 0 Theocritus, Idylls
10406 2 1.922 0 0 Aristophanes, Clouds
9566 2 2.091 0 0 Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams
9122 6 6.578 0 0 Sophocles, Electra
5860 1 1.706 1 1.706 Hesiod, Works and Days
2187 2 9.145 0 0 Sophocles, Ichneutae