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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
103320 1 0.097 1 0.097 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
83898 1 0.119 1 0.119 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
75633 3 0.397 3 0.397 Plutarch, Quaestiones Convivales
24954 1 0.401 1 0.401 Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus
20885 1 0.479 1 0.479 Elegy and Iambus, Volume II
11182 1 0.894 1 0.894 Plutarch, Camillus
6767 2 2.956 2 2.956 Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae
6463 2 3.095 2 3.095 Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae