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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
284417 10 0.352 10 0.352 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-XX
224591 3 0.134 3 0.134 Procopius, de Bellis
218450 1 0.046 1 0.046 Pausanias, Description of Greece
177900 2 0.112 2 0.112 Dio Chrysostom, Orationes
125221 2 0.16 2 0.16 Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii
116927 4 0.342 4 0.342 Appian, The Civil Wars
111862 1 0.089 1 0.089 Homer, Iliad
103320 9 0.871 9 0.871 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
88388 1 0.113 1 0.113 Plato, Republic
87185 6 0.688 6 0.688 Homer, Odyssey
60598 3 0.495 3 0.495 Aretaeus, The Extant Works of Aretaeus, The Cappadocian.
41667 1 0.24 1 0.24 Achilles Tatius, Leucippe et Clitophon
38825 2 0.515 2 0.515 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
34862 1 0.287 1 0.287 Chariton, De Chaerea et Callirhoe
32261 3 0.93 3 0.93 Procopius, Historia Arcana (Anecdota)
26896 1 0.372 1 0.372 Greek Anthology, Volume III
21396 1 0.467 1 0.467 Greek Anthology, Volume V
12130 1 0.824 1 0.824 Onasander, Strategicus
11436 1 0.874 1 0.874 Lucian, Dialogi mortuorum
10134 1 0.987 1 0.987 Plutarch, Consolatio ad Apollonium
7096 1 1.409 1 1.409 Lucian, De mercede
6958 1 1.437 1 1.437 Lucian, Alexander
6378 1 1.568 1 1.568 Lucian, Anacharsis
4071 1 2.456 1 2.456 Lucian, Dialogi Marini
3148 1 3.177 1 3.177 Lucian, Calumniae non temere credundum
2863 1 3.493 1 3.493 Lucian, Tyrannicida
2379 1 4.203 1 4.203 Lucian, Prometheus