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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 6 0.15 4 0.1 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
311666 26 0.834 3 0.096 Polybius, Histories
305870 38 1.242 8 0.262 Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae
288825 1 0.035 1 0.035 Strabo, Geography
284417 20 0.703 5 0.176 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-XX
279736 4 0.143 1 0.036 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 4 0.151 1 0.038 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
224591 26 1.158 5 0.223 Procopius, de Bellis
218450 13 0.595 2 0.092 Pausanias, Description of Greece
192194 9 0.468 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Library
184947 35 1.892 12 0.649 Herodotus, The Histories
177900 1 0.056 1 0.056 Dio Chrysostom, Orationes
150173 11 0.732 4 0.266 Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War
137783 1 0.073 1 0.073 New Testament
125221 6 0.479 4 0.319 Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii
121554 2 0.165 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V
116927 2 0.171 0 0 Appian, The Civil Wars
110982 5 0.451 1 0.09 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
105765 2 0.189 2 0.189 Appian, The Foreign Wars
80346 10 1.245 10 1.245 Epictetus, Works
79307 14 1.765 2 0.252 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books XVIII-XX
79293 7 0.883 3 0.378 Xenophon, Cyropaedia
78707 3 0.381 0 0 Arrian, Anabasis
70422 3 0.426 3 0.426 Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20
66460 3 0.451 0 0 John, of Damascus (attributed author), Vita Barlaam et Joasaph
65568 1 0.153 1 0.153 Aristotle, Politics
48230 7 1.451 1 0.207 Aeschines, Speeches
44044 11 2.498 1 0.227 Xenophon, Minor Works
43345 3 0.692 0 0 Aristotle, Rhetoric
35174 2 0.569 2 0.569 Apollodorus, Library and Epitome
34862 3 0.861 1 0.287 Chariton, De Chaerea et Callirhoe
32261 16 4.96 1 0.31 Procopius, Historia Arcana (Anecdota)
20233 3 1.483 0 0 Plutarch, Pompey
17811 3 1.684 1 0.561 Plutarch, Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata
16629 3 1.804 1 0.601 Plutarch, Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata
15476 1 0.646 1 0.646 Plutarch, De defectu oraculorum
14083 2 1.42 2 1.42 Aeneas Tacticus, Poliorcetica
13036 1 0.767 1 0.767 Julian the Emperor, The Heroic Deeds of the Emperor Constantius, or on Kingship, Oration II
12375 2 1.616 2 1.616 Plutarch, Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatur
12130 2 1.649 2 1.649 Onasander, Strategicus
11912 5 4.197 0 0 Plutarch, Aratus
11584 1 0.863 1 0.863 Julian the Emperor, Panegyric in Honor of the Emperor Constantinus, Oration I
11182 3 2.683 0 0 Plutarch, Camillus
10435 3 2.875 0 0 Euripides, Helen
9100 1 1.099 1 1.099 Plutarch, Vitae decem oratorum
8221 3 3.649 3 3.649 Plutarch, Lysander
7984 3 3.758 3 3.758 Euripides, Bacchae
7873 1 1.27 1 1.27 Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae
7570 1 1.321 1 1.321 Euripides, Hecuba
7375 1 1.356 1 1.356 Barnabas, Barnabae Epistula
6958 1 1.437 1 1.437 Lucian, Alexander
6767 1 1.478 1 1.478 Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae
6463 1 1.547 1 1.547 Plutarch, Quaestiones Graecae
6337 2 3.156 0 0 Plutarch, De garrulitate
6300 1 1.587 1 1.587 Plutarch, Galba
5648 13 23.017 5 8.853 Euripides, Rhesus
5516 4 7.252 1 1.813 Plutarch, Eumenes
5410 1 1.848 1 1.848 Plutarch, Parallela minora
4737 1 2.111 1 2.111 Plutarch, Parallela minora
4622 2 4.327 2 4.327 Plutarch, De exilio
3544 1 2.822 1 2.822 Lucian, Rhetorum praeceptor
1266 2 15.798 2 15.798 Arrian, Acies Contra Alanos
834 2 23.981 0 0 Plutarch, Comparison of Pelopidas and Marcellus