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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
288825 2 0.069 2 0.069 Strabo, Geography
279736 2 0.071 2 0.071 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 2 0.075 2 0.075 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
218450 1 0.046 1 0.046 Pausanias, Description of Greece
111862 48 4.291 44 3.933 Homer, Iliad
87185 4 0.459 2 0.229 Homer, Odyssey
21396 1 0.467 1 0.467 Greek Anthology, Volume V
21294 1 0.47 1 0.47 Pindar, Odes
16020 2 1.248 0 0 Homeric Hymns
10585 1 0.945 1 0.945 Plutarch, Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat
4288 1 2.332 1 2.332 Plutarch, De Se Ipsum Citra Invidiam Laudando
3298 2 6.064 0 0 Hesiod, Shield of Heracles