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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
110982 1 0.09 1 0.09 Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
83898 2 0.238 2 0.238 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
75633 1 0.132 1 0.132 Plutarch, Quaestiones Convivales
19621 1 0.51 1 0.51 Antiphon, Speeches
10367 1 0.965 1 0.965 Aristophanes, Wasps
9938 1 1.006 1 1.006 Plutarch, Aemilius Paulus
9440 1 1.059 1 1.059 Plutarch, Romulus
8166 1 1.225 1 1.225 Plutarch, Themistocles
5341 3 5.617 0 0 Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes