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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 9 0.225 9 0.225 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
311666 3 0.096 3 0.096 Polybius, Histories
305870 2 0.065 2 0.065 Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae
298102 4 0.134 4 0.134 Aristides, Aelius, Orationes
288825 1 0.035 1 0.035 Strabo, Geography
279736 1 0.036 1 0.036 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 1 0.038 1 0.038 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
224591 22 0.98 22 0.98 Procopius, de Bellis
218450 2 0.092 2 0.092 Pausanias, Description of Greece
192194 2 0.104 2 0.104 Diodorus Siculus, Library
146389 1 0.068 1 0.068 Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, Epistulae
125221 2 0.16 2 0.16 Flavius Josephus, De bello Judaico libri vii
121554 1 0.082 1 0.082 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V
112327 1 0.089 1 0.089 Isocrates, Speeches
105765 1 0.095 1 0.095 Appian, The Foreign Wars
99674 1 0.1 1 0.1 Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia ecclesiastica
79307 2 0.252 2 0.252 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books XVIII-XX
79293 3 0.378 3 0.378 Xenophon, Cyropaedia
72248 2 0.277 2 0.277 Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30
70422 5 0.71 5 0.71 Demosthenes, Speeches 11-20
66514 1 0.15 1 0.15 Xenophon, Hellenica
61711 1 0.162 1 0.162 Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis
57174 1 0.175 1 0.175 Xenophon, Anabasis
44044 1 0.227 1 0.227 Xenophon, Minor Works
40207 2 0.497 2 0.497 Demosthenes, Speeches 41-50
38867 3 0.772 3 0.772 Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61
35842 4 1.116 4 1.116 Xenophon, Memorabilia
32261 4 1.24 4 1.24 Procopius, Historia Arcana (Anecdota)
29370 2 0.681 2 0.681 Xenophon, Works on Socrates
28614 3 1.048 3 1.048 Demosthenes, Speeches 31-40
27391 1 0.365 1 0.365 Julian the Emperor, Epistulae
22751 1 0.44 1 0.44 Aristides, Aelius, Ars Rhetorica
16912 1 0.591 1 0.591 Plutarch, Cato the Younger
15206 1 0.658 1 0.658 Hyperides, Speeches
11584 1 0.863 1 0.863 Julian the Emperor, Panegyric in Honor of the Emperor Constantinus, Oration I
6096 1 1.64 1 1.64 Demosthenes, Letters