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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 3 0.075 1 0.025 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
298102 2 0.067 2 0.067 Aristides, Aelius, Orationes
288825 8 0.277 8 0.277 Strabo, Geography
284417 9 0.316 9 0.316 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-XX
279736 3 0.107 3 0.107 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 3 0.113 3 0.113 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
224591 1 0.045 1 0.045 Procopius, de Bellis
177900 3 0.169 3 0.169 Dio Chrysostom, Orationes
121554 1 0.082 1 0.082 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V
104806 1 0.095 1 0.095 Plato, Laws
103320 3 0.29 3 0.29 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
88388 1 0.113 1 0.113 Plato, Republic
83898 1 0.119 1 0.119 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
57174 1 0.175 1 0.175 Xenophon, Anabasis
38825 1 0.258 1 0.258 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
32442 1 0.308 1 0.308 Elegy and Iambus, Volume I
31911 1 0.313 1 0.313 Greek Anthology, Volume II
21986 1 0.455 1 0.455 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, De Demosthene
21294 1 0.47 1 0.47 Pindar, Odes
20885 1 0.479 1 0.479 Elegy and Iambus, Volume II
12877 1 0.777 1 0.777 Plutarch, Caius Marius
10406 1 0.961 1 0.961 Aristophanes, Clouds
10335 1 0.968 1 0.968 Euripides, Phoenissae
9566 2 2.091 2 2.091 Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams
8997 1 1.111 1 1.111 Arrian, Tactica
7672 1 1.303 1 1.303 Plutarch, Numa
7026 2 2.847 2 2.847 Lucian, De saltatione
3103 1 3.223 1 3.223 Lucian, Demonax
1907 1 5.244 1 5.244 Plutarch, Instituta Laconica
1719 1 5.817 1 5.817 Plutarch, Instituta Laconica