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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 1 0.025 1 0.025 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
305870 5 0.163 5 0.163 Flavius Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae
298102 2 0.067 2 0.067 Aristides, Aelius, Orationes
284417 2 0.07 2 0.07 Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Antiquitates Romanae, Books I-XX
279736 2 0.071 2 0.071 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 3 0.113 3 0.113 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
224591 2 0.089 2 0.089 Procopius, de Bellis
218450 8 0.366 8 0.366 Pausanias, Description of Greece
184947 1 0.054 1 0.054 Herodotus, The Histories
177900 4 0.225 4 0.225 Dio Chrysostom, Orationes
121554 1 0.082 1 0.082 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V
111862 1 0.089 1 0.089 Homer, Iliad
105765 1 0.095 1 0.095 Appian, The Foreign Wars
103320 2 0.194 2 0.194 Aelian, De Natura Animalium
83898 1 0.119 1 0.119 Philostratus the Athenian, Vita Apollonii
79307 1 0.126 1 0.126 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books XVIII-XX
44044 1 0.227 1 0.227 Xenophon, Minor Works
40840 1 0.245 1 0.245 Plato, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo
38686 4 1.034 4 1.034 Aelian, Varia Historia
35390 1 0.283 1 0.283 Isaeus, Speeches
32261 1 0.31 1 0.31 Procopius, Historia Arcana (Anecdota)
26896 1 0.372 1 0.372 Greek Anthology, Volume III
20885 1 0.479 1 0.479 Elegy and Iambus, Volume II
18431 1 0.543 1 0.543 Plutarch, De Iside et Osiride
16474 2 1.214 2 1.214 Xenophon of Ephesus, Ephesiaca
14073 1 0.711 1 0.711 Plutarch, Amatorius
11436 1 0.874 1 0.874 Lucian, Dialogi mortuorum
10406 1 0.961 1 0.961 Aristophanes, Clouds
9783 1 1.022 1 1.022 Lucian, Toxaris vel amicitia
8594 1 1.164 1 1.164 Plutarch, De Pythiae oraculis
8393 1 1.191 1 1.191 Plutarch, Phocion
8243 1 1.213 1 1.213 Euripides, Heracles
8094 1 1.235 1 1.235 Lucian, Dialogi meretricii
7873 1 1.27 1 1.27 Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae
7602 1 1.315 1 1.315 Plutarch, Theseus
7595 3 3.95 3 3.95 Philostratus the Athenian, Epistulae et dialexeis
7216 1 1.386 1 1.386 Philostratus Minor, Imagines
6958 1 1.437 1 1.437 Lucian, Alexander
6730 3 4.458 3 4.458 Theophrastus, Characters
6692 1 1.494 1 1.494 Lucian, Juppiter trageodeus
6440 2 3.106 2 3.106 Lucian, Piscator
6251 1 1.6 1 1.6 Aristotle, Economics
4655 1 2.148 1 2.148 Julian the Emperor, Letter to the Senate and the People of Athens
3532 1 2.831 1 2.831 Plutarch, De superstitione
3212 2 6.227 2 6.227 Lucian, Fugitivi
2379 1 4.203 1 4.203 Lucian, Prometheus
2192 1 4.562 1 4.562 Demades, On the Twelve Years