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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
399409 2 0.05 0 0 Cassius Dio Cocceianus, Historiae Romanae
311666 22 0.706 0 0 Polybius, Histories
279736 2 0.071 0 0 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 2 0.075 0 0 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
192194 6 0.312 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Library
184947 2 0.108 0 0 Herodotus, The Histories
137783 8 0.581 0 0 New Testament
121554 8 0.658 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books I-V
112327 4 0.356 0 0 Isocrates, Speeches
99674 6 0.602 0 0 Eusebius of Caesarea, Historia ecclesiastica
80346 4 0.498 0 0 Epictetus, Works
79307 2 0.252 0 0 Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca Historica, Books XVIII-XX
79293 4 0.504 0 0 Xenophon, Cyropaedia
78103 2 0.256 0 0 Plato, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman
72248 2 0.277 0 0 Demosthenes, Speeches 21-30
65568 6 0.915 0 0 Aristotle, Politics
59780 14 2.342 0 0 Lysias, Speeches
44044 2 0.454 0 0 Xenophon, Minor Works
35842 2 0.558 0 0 Xenophon, Memorabilia
35390 2 0.565 0 0 Isaeus, Speeches
34862 2 0.574 0 0 Chariton, De Chaerea et Callirhoe
29370 2 0.681 0 0 Xenophon, Works on Socrates
26801 2 0.746 0 0 Hippocrates, Hippocrates Collected Works I
16508 6 3.635 0 0 Aristotle, Athenian Constitution
12701 2 1.575 0 0 Dinarchus, Speeches
9508 2 2.103 0 0 Demosthenes, Exordia
7375 2 2.712 0 0 Barnabas, Barnabae Epistula
6730 2 2.972 0 0 Theophrastus, Characters