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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
279736 6 0.214 0 0 Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae
265446 6 0.226 0 0 Athenaeus, The Deipnosophists
146389 1 0.068 1 0.068 Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea, Epistulae
137783 4 0.29 4 0.29 New Testament
66460 1 0.15 1 0.15 John, of Damascus (attributed author), Vita Barlaam et Joasaph
46047 1 0.217 1 0.217 Philostratus the Athenian, Vitae Sophistarum
31911 3 0.94 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume II
31860 32 10.044 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume I
21518 3 1.394 0 0 Theocritus, Idylls
21396 3 1.402 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume V
21294 3 1.409 0 0 Pindar, Odes
16020 4 2.497 0 0 Homeric Hymns
9566 3 3.136 0 0 Callimachus, Hymns and Epigrams
2415 3 12.422 0 0 Callimachus, Epigrams, Fragmenta