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Words in Corpus Max Max/10k Min Min/10k Corpus Name
111862 12 1.073 0 0 Homer, Iliad
87185 16 1.835 0 0 Homer, Odyssey
38825 8 2.061 0 0 Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica
35842 2 0.558 0 0 Xenophon, Memorabilia
31911 2 0.627 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume II
31860 2 0.628 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume I
26896 2 0.744 0 0 Greek Anthology, Volume III
21518 4 1.859 0 0 Theocritus, Idylls
21294 2 0.939 0 0 Pindar, Odes
16020 2 1.248 0 0 Homeric Hymns
15476 2 1.292 0 0 Plutarch, De defectu oraculorum
10585 2 1.889 0 0 Plutarch, Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat
10367 2 1.929 0 0 Aristophanes, Wasps
9879 2 2.024 0 0 Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis
9712 2 2.059 0 0 Plutarch, Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum
8806 2 2.271 0 0 Aristophanes, Lysistrata
7040 2 2.841 0 0 Hesiod, Theogony
5594 4 7.151 0 0 Plutarch, De E apud Delphos