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Raleigh, Walter, I. 74. Furnishes Gilbert with a ship, 90. Obtains a patent, 92. Colonizes North Carolina, 95. Attempts an agricultural colony, 103. Founds the city of Raleigh, 104. His assigns, 107. Character of, 108. A prisoner, 136.

Randolph, Edward, II. 111.

Rasles, Sebastian, III. 333, 337.

Raymbault, Father, III. 129, 131,132.

Reformation in England, I. 274.

Regicides, II 32.

Revolution of 1688, II. 445. Effect on New England, 447. On New York, 450. On New Jersey, 451. Its political theory, III. 9. Its character, 12. Loved privilege, 82.

Rhode Island, island of, I. 392.

Rhode Island, colony of, first settled, I. 379. Its charter, 425. Fostered by Charles II., II. 61. New charter, 62. Freedom of conscience in, 65. Loses its liberty, 431. Its population, II. 69.

Ribault discovers River St. John, I. 61. Leaves a colony in Carolina, 62. Revisits it, 66.

Rice introduced into Carolina, II. 20.

Roberval's voyages, I. 22.

Robinson, John, I. 306. His death, 321.

Rolfe, Thomas, I. 146.

Rowlandson, Mary, III. 106.

Russia makes discoveries, III. 453.

Rut's voyage, I. 76.

Ryswick, peace of, III. 192.

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