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Geo'rgius MYTILENAEUS or Geo'rgius of MYTILENE



He is the author of a homily In Salutiferam D. N. Jesu Christi Passionem. A work on the same subject, extant in MS. and described as by Georgius Methiminensis, or Methinensis (of Methymna ?), has been conjectured to be the same work, but the conjecture does not appear to be well founded.


This work was published by Gretser, De Cruce, vol. ii.

Other possible works

A George, Metropolitan of Mytilene, probably the same with the subject of the present article, is the author of two works extant in MS., Davidis et Symeonis Confessorun et Martyrum Officium and Eorundem Vita ac Historia.

Some epigrams in praise of the writings of Dionysius Areopagita, by Georgius Patricius, a native of Mytilene, are said by the Jesuit Delrio (Vindiciae Areopagit. c. xxi.) to have been printed, but he does not say where; but whether the author is the subject of the present article is by no means clear.

Further Information

Allatius, Ibid. p. 22; Fabric., Bibl. Gr. vol. xi. p. 628

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