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a jurist, who is named by Lampridius (Alexand. 68.) as one of the council of the emperor Severus Alexander; and, though this authority would otherwise be entitled to little weight, it is supported by a rescript of the emperor Alexander to A. Florentinus, which is preserved in Cod. 3. tit. 28. s. 8.


Florentinus wrote Institutiones in 12 books; and his work, which was composed with much elegance, acuteness, and learning, was not neglected by the compilers of Justinian's Institutes. This is the only work by which he is known; and there are 43 pure extracts from it preserved in the Corpus Juris.

Further Information

These extracts have been separately commented upon by M. Schmalz, in a dissertation entitled Florentini Institutionum Fragmenta Comment. illustrata, 8vo. Regiom. 1801. The other dissertations upon Florentinus and his remains bear the following titles :--A. F. Rivinus, Florentini Jurisprudentiae Testamentariae Reliquiae in Institut. imp. Justin. repertae et Notis illustratae, 4to. Vitemb. 1752; Chr. G. Jaspis, De Florentino ejusque eleganti Doctrina, 4to. Chemnic. 1753; C. F. Walchius, De Philosophia Florentini, 4to Jena. 1754, et in Opusculis, vol. i. p. 337-346; Jos. Th. Mathews, De Florentino Icto, ejusque sex libris prioribus Institutionum, 4to. Lug. Bat. 1801. Like the more celebrated writer of Institutes, Gaius, he is not cited by any subsequent jurist, or, at least, no such citation has reached us.


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