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*Telesfo/ros), a general in the service of Antigonus, the king of Asia, who was sent by him in B. C. 313, with a fleet of fifty ships and a considerable army to the Peloponnese, to oppose the forces of Polysperchon and Cassander. His arms were at first very successful; he drove out the Macedonian garrisons from all the cities of the peninsula, except Sicyon and Corinth, which were held by Polysperchon himself; but having joined with Medius in an attempt to relieve Orens. to which Cassander had laid siege, they were defeated, with the loss of several ships. (Diod. 19.74, 75.) The following summer (B. C. 312) Antigonus having conferred the chief direction of the war in the Peloponnese upon his nephew Ptolemy, Telesphorus was so indignant that he shook off his allegiance, and having induced some of his soldiers to follow him, established himself in Elis on his own account, and even plundered the sacred treasures at Olympia. He was, however, soon after, induced to submit to Ptolemy. (Id. ib. 87.)


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    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 19.74
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 19.75
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