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*Swthri/das), a grammarian of Epidaurus, the husband of Pamphila.


Under the name of Pamphila he published an historical work in three books.

He also wrote

Confused sources about Soteridas in Suidas and elsewhere

Suidas has two articles on Soteridas, which so nearly resemble each other, that there can be no doubt of their referring to one and the same person, especially when we bear in mind the constant practice of Suidas to make different articles out of the statements of different writers concerning one person, without troubling himself much about their consistency. The above account is taken from the one of Suidas's articles which appears to be copied from the better authority. In the other (and s. v. Παμφίλη) he makes Soteridas the father, instead of the husband, of Pamphila; but the fact of his writing under her name appears more consistent with his being her husband than her father. Also, the Commentary on Menander is called, in the second article, a Commentary on Homer and Menander; a curious conjunction, unless the Homer referred to be the poet of the Tragic Pleiad. These variations are of little consequence in themselves; but they furnish a good example of the sort of materials out of which much of the minor Greek literary history has to be constructed.

Further Information

Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 496, vol. vi. p. 379.


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