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2. One of the sons of PARISADES I., king of Bosporus. He appears to have submitted without opposition to the authority of his elder brother Satyrus, who ascended the throne on the death of Parisades, B. C. 311, and was left by him in charge of his capital city of Panticapaeum, during the campaign in which he engaged against their remaining brother Eumelus. Satyrus himself having fallen on this expedition, Prytanis assumed the sovereign power, but was defeated by Eumelus, and compelled to conclude a treaty, by which he resigned the crown to his brother. Notwithstanding this, he made a second attempt to recover it, but was again defeated, and put to death by order of Eumelus. His wife and children shared the same fate. (Diod. 20.22-24.)


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    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 20.22
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 20.24
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