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3. P. Furius Philus, praetor B. C. 174, obtained Nearer Spain as his province. On his return to Rome he was accused by the provincials of repetundae. The elder Cato spoke against him : on the first hearing the case was adjourned (anpliatus), but fearing a condemnation, when it came on again, Philus went into exile to Praeneste, B. C. 171. (Liv. 41.21, 43.2; Cic. in Caecil. Div. 20 ; Pseudo-Ascon. in loc. p. 124, ed. Orelli; Meyer, Orut. Romn. Fragm. p. 97, 2nd ed.)

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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 41, 21
    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 43, 2
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