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3. Fourth in descent from No. 2, was grandson of Archidamus II., and son of Agis II. There was, however, some suspicion that he was in reality the fruit of an intrigue of Alcibiades with Timaea, the queen of Agis, a suspicion which was strengthened (so Pausanias says) by some angry expressions of Agis himself, and also by Timaea's own language, according to Duris and Plutarch. Agis indeed before his death repented of what he had said on the subject, and publicly owned Leotychides for his son. On his father's demise, however, he was excluded from the throne on the above grounds, mainly through the influence of Lysander, and his uncle, Agesilaus II., was substituted in his room. (Paus. 3.8 ; Duris, apud Plut. Ages. 3; Plut. Alc. 23, Lysand. 22; Xen. Ages. 1, Hell. 3.3. ยงยง 1-4; Just. 5.2.)


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  • Cross-references from this page (3):
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 3.8
    • Xenophon, Agesilaus, 1
    • Plutarch, Alcibiades, 23
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