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116. Of THESSALONICA (1). Joannes, archbishop of Thessalonica, was a stout defender of the orthodox faith against the Monothelites of the seventh century. He attended as papal legate the third Constantinopolitan (sixth oecumenical) council (A. D. 680), and in that character subscribed the Acta of the council. (Concilia, vol. vi. col. 1058, ed. Labbe; vol. iii. col. 1425, ed. Hardouin; vol. xi. col. 639, ed. Mansi.) The time of his death is altogether uncertain.


He wrote: 1. Εἰς τὸς μυροφόρους γυναῖκας, In Mulieres ferentes Unguenta, a discourse or treatise in which his object is to show that there is no contradiction in the several accounts of the resurrection of Christ given by the four Evangelists. This piece appears to have been regarded by some as a work of Chrysostom.


This was first published (but from a mutilated and corrupt text) by Savile in his edition of Chrysostom (vol. v. p. 740, fol. Eton. 1610, &c.), though with an expression of doubt as to its genuineness. It was subsequently printed more correctly in the Novum Auctarium of Combéfis (vol. i. fol. Paris, 1648), and by him assigned to the right author. It is given in a mutilated form in Montfaucon's edition of Chrysostom, among the Spuria, vol. viii. p. 159, fol. Paris, 1718, &c., or vol. viii. p. 816 of the 8vo. reprint, Paris, 1839. It is also given in the Bibliotheca Patrum of Gallandius, vol. xiii. p. 185, &c. A Latin version is given in the Biblioth. Patrum, vol. xii. Lyon, 1677.

2. Λόγος,

A considerable extract of this was read by Nicolaus, bishop of Cyzicus at the second Nicene (seventh oecumenical) council.


This is printed in the Concilia (vol. vii. col. 353, ed. Labbe, vol. iv. col. 292, ed. Hardouin, vol. xiii. col. 163, ed. Mansi), and by Gallandius in his Bibliotheca Patrum (vol. xiii. p. 196).

Further Information

Gallandius, ll. cc.; Concilia, ll. cc. ; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. i. p. 597; Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. x. p. 250.

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