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Hesy'chius AEGYPTIUS.

3. AEGYPTIUS. An Egyptian bishop, who suffered martyrdom in the persecution under Diocletian and his successors in the East, perhaps about A. D. 310 or 311. It is not clear whether he was executed at Alexandria or elsewhere. Hody and others regard him as identical with the Hesychius who revised the Septuagint, and whose revision was commonly used in Egypt and the adjacent churches. Fabricius, who thinks this identity probable, is also disposed to regard the martyr Hesychius as the same person as Hesychius of Alexandria, the author of the Lexicon; but Thorschmidius regards the author of the Lexicon as a distinct person. [HESYCHIUS of Alexandria, below.] (Euseb. (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 8.13; Hieronym. Praef in Paralipom. and Praefat. in Quattuor Evang.; Opera, vol. i. col. 1023, 1429, ed. Benedictin; Hody, De Biblior. Textibus Original., fol. Oxford, 1705, p. 303; Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. 7.547; Thorschmidius, De Hesych. Miles. Illustr. Christian. Commentat. sect. i. apud Orellium, Hesyc/hii Opusc.

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