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1. a rhetorician, a native of Athens, and son of Cotys. According to Suidas, he wrote commentaries on Deinarchus, Herodotus. Thucydides, and Xenophon; a work entitled Αἱ ἐν Ἀθήναις δίκαι κεκριμένων Ὀνομάτων, in three books; an epitome of the history of Heracleides ; and a work on the ancient orators, entitled Θερὶ τῶν Ἀρχαίων Ῥητόρων καὶ τῶν Λόγων οἷς ἐνίκησαν πρὸς ἀλλήλους ἀλωνιζόμενοι. There are no data for determining when he lived. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. iv. p. 239; Vossius, De Hist. Graec. p. 452, ed. Westermann.)

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