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*(Hro/dotos), the name of several physicians, of whom the most eminent was,

1. A pupil of Athenaeus, or perhaps rather of Agathinus (Galen, De Differ. Puls. 4.11, vol. viii. p. 751), who belonged to the sect of the Pnenmatici (Id. De Simplic. Medicam. Temper. ac Facult. 1.29, vol. xi. p. 432). He lived probably towards the end of the first century after Christ, and resided at Rome, where he practised with great reputation and success. (Galen, De Differ. Puls. l.c.) He wrote some medical works, which are several times quoted by Galen and Oribasius, but of which only some fragments remain, most of which are to be found in Matthaei's Collection entitled XXI Veterum et Clarorum Medicorum Graecorum Varia Opuscula, Mosqu. 4to. 1808.

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