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Fuscus, Ti. Clau'dius Salina'tor

a correspondent of the younger Pliny. (Ep. 9.36, 40.) Fuscus was of a senatorian family, pos sessed of great eloquence and learning (Plin. Ep. 6.11), and remarkable for his simplicity and sobriety of character. (6.26.) He was Hadrian's colleague in the consulship of A. D. 118. He mar ried a daughter of Julius Servianus. (Plin. Ep. 6.26; D. C. 69.17; Westermann, Römisch. Beredsamk. § 84, 35.)

Fuscus, son of the preceding, was put to death in his nineteenth year, with his father-in-law, Ser vianus, by Hadrian, who charged Fuscus with aspiring to the empire. (Spartian. Hadrian. 23.) Dio Cassius (69.17) says that Fuscus and Servianus owed their death to imprudently expressing displeasure at Hadrian's choice of L. Commodus Verus for his successor.


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118 AD (1)
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    • Pliny the Younger, Epistulae, 6.11
    • Pliny the Younger, Epistulae, 6.26
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