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Constanti'nus Rho'dius

Κωνσταντῖνος Ῥόδιος), is the author of three epigrams in the Greek Anthology (Jacobs, Paralip. e Cod. Vat. 201-203, xiii. pp. 738-740), the first of which was written, as appears from internal evidence, during the joint reign of the emperors Leo and Alexander, that is, between A. D. 906 and 911. Reiske supposed him to be the same person as Constantinus Cephalas, who compiled the Palatine Anthology. [CONSTANTINUS CEPHALAS.] The poetry of Constantine himself is barbarous in the last degree. (Jacobs, Anthol. Graec. xiii. pp. 874, 875; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. 4.469.)


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906 AD (1)
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