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1. An artist of the island of Aegina, the pupil of Angelio and Tectaeus, who were themselves pupils of Dipoenus and Scyllis. (Paus. 2.32.4.) As the latter two flourished B. C. 580, the age of Callon must be fixed at B. C. 516. This is confirmed by the statement of Pausanias (7.18.6), that Callon was a contemporary of Canachus, who we know flourished from B. C. 540 to 508. [CANACHUS.] There are two passages in Pausanias which seem to contradict this conclusion; but K. O. Müller (Aeginet. p. 100) and Thiersch (Epoch. Anm. p. 40) have clearly shewn that one of them is interpolated, and that the other, if explained properly, does not place Callon either in the time of the Miessenian wars, or as late as the battle of Aegospotamos, as some interpreters had believed. (Comp. Sillig, Cat. Art. s. v.) We are acquainted with two works of Callon: the tripod ornamented by a statue of Cora and a xoanon of Athene. Quintilian (12.10) calls his works "duriora atque Tuscanicis proxima."

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580 BC (1)
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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 2.32.4
    • Pausanias, Description of Greece, 7.18.6
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