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τὸ ἀργύριον στάσιμον ‘The money shall stand at whatever rate the lender chooses’. The word στάσιμον here does not refer to weighing, but to the exaction of interest as high as he pleases: i.e. στάσιμόν ἐστι=δύναται ἴστασθαι or σταθῆναι, the loan can stand, can remain put out: cp. Andoc. De Red. § 11, ὅσου ἐμοὶ κατέστησαν, n., p. 221. For στάσιμος in the sense of ‘weighable’ (ζυγῷ ἱστάναι), cp. Pollux IV. 173, who cites στάσιμα as used for στάθμια, ‘weights’, by Cephisodorus (Fragm. Com. 342): Polyb. VIII. 21. § 1, ἕλκοντα τὸ τῆς πράξεως στάσιμον, ‘turning the scale of the crisis’.

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