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οὐδὲ τὸν λοιπὸν χρόνον ‘neither did they neglect the [citizen's] later years’; i.e. they continued to watch over his adult life, as they had already watched over his boyhood and youth (§ 37).

κώμας...δήμους ‘taking the city by wards (κῶμαι) and the country by townships, they continued to supervise each man's life’: διελόμενοι not necessarily implying that they were the authors of such a division, but only that they took this division as the basis of their systematic inspection. (Cp. Lys. In Erat. § 7, p. 66, διαλαβόντες τὰς οἰκίας.) — κῶμαι (vici), wards or quarters of the town; at Athens prob. merely local divisions, without any further political significance, Herm. Ant. 1. § 11. 11: the word perh. preserving a reminiscence of the time before the συνοίκισις ascribed to Theseus, Thuc. II. 15. See Arist. Poet. III. 6, ἐν Πελοποννήσῳ [as in Lacedaemon] κώμας τὰς περιοικίδας καλεῖν φασίν, Ἀθηναῖοι δὲ δήμους. — The division into δῆμοι (pagi) was ascribed to Theseus, and was at least much older than Cleisthenes. Plato, Legg. 756 D, has φρατρίας καὶ δήμους καὶ κώμας, where, however, κώμας may be ‘villages’. Isocr. seems to be the only writer who names the city κῶμαι as parallel with the country δῆμοι: cp. Herm. Ant. I. § 111. 4.

ἀνῆγον Cp. § 38, ἀναβῶσι, note.

ἐνουθέτειἠπείλειἐκόλαζεν ‘admonished’ (for a first offence): ‘threatened’ (for repeated offences): ‘punished’ (the contumacious).

δύο τρόποι ‘for they knew that there are in fact (τυγχάνουσιν) two systems, one of which impels men to wrong-doing, while the other deters them from evil courses’: οἱ καὶ προτρέποντες καὶ παύοντες=which respectively impel or deter. For τὰς ἀδικίας and τῶν πονηριῶν, where the antithesis required opposites, cp. Antiph. De Caed. Her. § 87, note, p. 216.

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