
§§ 10 — 16.

τότ᾽ αὐτὸς γνούς In 415 B.C., when he had denounced certain persons as concerned in the mutilation of the Hermae. αὐτός: he himself felt the misery of his position as keenly as those who condemn him.

παρανοίᾳἀνάγκῃ So in § 7 he says that he had acted νεότητί τε καὶ ἀνοίᾳ. In this speech Andoc. distinctly implies that he was concerned in the sacrilege: this was his ‘madness: the ἀνάγκη was the necessity of denouncing the guilty, or else allowing the innocent to perish. In the De Mysteriis (see next Extract), speaking 11 years later, he protests his own entire innocence. (Cp. Attic Orators, I. 113.)

πράττειν...ὀφθ.] ‘To live a life and choose an abode in which I should be as far as possible out of your sight’: ὅπου, as relative to τοιαῦτα no less than to ἐκεῖ,=ἐν οἷς, or πράττων. — ὅπου μέλλοιμι, oblique for ὅπου ἃν μέλλω.

ἐκείνης...δευρί ‘A longing for that civic and social life with you in Athens (ἐκείνης), from which I passed into this exile’ (δευρί). He is speaking at Athens; but the words describe his feeling in banishment. The vividness is characteristic of Andocides.

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