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Letter LXXXI: ad familiares 7.24

Tusculum, about Aug. 20, 45 B.C. For Fadius, see Ep. IV. introd. note.

vestigia: sc. sunt.

vel, for instance.

Tigellio: the singer whom Horace dubs Sardus Tigellius (Sat. 1.3.3) from his birthplace, Sardinia, a favorite of Julius Caesar in Cicero's time, and later of Octavianus. Cf. Hor. Sat. 1.2 and 3.

Cipius ... dormio: Cipius, as the story goes (cf. Festus), was in the habit of feigning sleep, but when on a certain occasion a slave attempted to steal one of his master's cups, Cipius started up, saying, “non omnibus dormio”.

opinor: probably a case of genuine uncertainty concerning the name, but cf. Hector Naevianus, Ep. XVIII.7n.

olim, once upon a time.

sic ... servio: he may find it necessary to be Caesar's slave, but he will not be the slave of every one of Caesar's household. Cicero apparently uses the same story in the same connection inAtt. 13. 49.2 (written about the same time as this letter), where, however, the name of Cipius is omitted.

olim: sc. before Caesar's assumption of power.

ab ullis: sc. observabar, from observor.

a familiarissimis: Gallus had evidently expressed the fear that Tigellius, who was angry at Cicero, might use his influence with Caesar against him. Cicero therefore assures Gallus that there has been no change in Caesar's attitude to him. Cicero's remark here harmonizes with statements made a year before; cf. Ep. LXI. 2.

pestilentiorem patria sua: cf. Ep. XVI. (end) n.

eumque praeconio, and I think he has by this time been disposed of at the Hipponactean estimate put upon him by Calvus Licinius.

Calvi Licini: Gaius Licinius Macer Calvus was known equally well as an orator (cf., e.g., Cic. Brut. 280, 283) and as a poet (cf., e.g., Sen. Contr. 7.4.7). The different tendencies in oratory which Cicero and Calvus represented led apparently to a correspondence between them (cf. Tac. Dial. 18). As a poet, Calvus belonged to the νεώτεροι, (Att. 7.2. 1), and was an intimate friend of Catullus, the leading representative of that school. He died about 47 B.C. ; cf. Fam. 15.21.4. Calvus had assailed Tigellius in a poem, the first verse of which, preserved by Porphyrio (Hor. Sat. 1.3.4), is as follows: Sardi Tigelli putidum caput venit (from veneo). On the order Calvi Licini, cf. Galli Canini, Ep. XIX.4n.

Hipponacteo: Hipponax was a Greek writer of lampoons.

praeconio: the setting forth by an auctioneer of the merits of his wares; suggested by the line from Calvus.

Phameae: cf. Ep. LXI.8n. Tigellius was annoyed at Cicero for neglecting to act as the advocate of Phamea, his grandfather (or uncle), after having promised to do so (cf. Att. 13.49.1).

ipsius quidem causa: Phamea had proffered his assistance to Cicero during the latter's canvass for the consulship (cf. Att. 13.49.1 ).

P. Sestio: Sestius was apparently charged with ambitus; cf. Att. 13.49.1.

in consilium iri: cum iudices, de reo sententias laturi, in unum coeunt, ire in consilium dicuntur (Manutius). Cf., however, Ep. V. introd. note.

ille: i.e. Phamea.

sat bonum: this archaic form of satis (cf. Ter. And. 475) seems to be found with no other adj. than bonus in classical prose; cf. pro Rosc. Amer. 89; de Or. 3.84; Att. 14.10.1.

unctorem: the reference is obscure. Manutius suggests cantorem.

Sardos venalis: the Sardinian slaves were weak and sickly because of the unhealthful climate of their native country. Hence the proverb: 'Sardi venales; alius alio nequior.' Cf. Otto, Sprichwörter der Römer, 308.

Catonem tuum: probably a political biography of Cato. Cf. Intr. 33. Att. 13.49 may be read with profit in connection with this letter. The influence of Tigellius with Caesar and Cicero's fear of Caesar's anger prevented Cicero from maintaining long the manly position which he assumes in this and the following letter, for about a month later he writes to Atticus: miror te nihildum cum Tigellio; velut hoc ipsum quantum acceperit, prorsus aveo scire nec tamen flocci facio (Att. 13.50.3); and about the same time: Titellium totum mihi (sc. reduc in gratiam) et quidem quam primum; nam pendeo animi (Att. 13.51.2). Cf. Schmidt, Briefw. pp.353 ff.

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hide References (13 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (13):
    • Cicero, Letters to his Friends, 15.21.4
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13.49
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13.49.1
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13.50.3
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 13.51.2
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 14.10.1
    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 7.2
    • Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria, 89
    • Horace, Satires, 1.2
    • Horace, Satires, 1.3.4
    • Terence, Andria, 3.1
    • Cicero, On Oratory, 3.84
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