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Letter LXXIX: ad familiares 5.15

Astura, May 10-12, 45 B.C. Cicero's answer to Ep. LXXVII.

iucundus: cf. iucundiora, gratiora, Ep. LXXVI.1n .

ob eam unam causam: sc. the death of Tullia.

remedia: sc. friends, influence, freedom, civic honors, etc. Cf. Ep. LXXVI.2nn.

quid enim: usually followed, as here, by a rhetorical question expecting a negative answer.

occiderunt: cf. Ep. LXII.2nn.

possumusne: ne for nonne. This usage points back to the period when nonne was unkrown.

cum ... oporteret: Cicero had reached an age when he might naturally expect to reap the fruit, in the way of influence, distinction, and friendships, of his years of work and study.

domesticis: to be joined more particularly with solaciis. Cf. amissis ornamentis, etc., Ep. LXXVI. 2.

quibus utor assidue: in 45 B.C. Cicero wrote the Consolatio, Hortensius, de Finibus, and Academica. The Tusculanae Disputationes and the de Natura Deorum were partly written in the same year.

a portu: cf. in puppi, etc., Ep. LXVII. 3 and contraxi vela, Ep. V.2n.

hic: the reference is to Romae ... miratus sum, Ep. LXXVII. 1. On hic, cf. Ep. XII.1n.

domus ... possit: because it would remind him of Publilia's conduct.

ut ... petam: Cicero's efforts in seeking consolation found expression especially in the Consolatio and the Tusculan Disputations.

si id egissemus: i.e. had lived together. The force of si continues through fuissemus.

omne tempus: sc. post suum a Thessalica pugna reditum in Italiam (Manutius).

valetudo tua: cf. Ep. LXXVII. 1.

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