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Letter XXVII: ad familiares 16.16

Transalpine Gaul, May, 53 B.C.

mi Marce: cf. mi Pomponi, Ep. X. n.

meam: (not tuam) to indicate his affection for Tullia.

Tulliolam: cf. pulchellus, Ep. V.10n. and Intr. 76.

amicum maluisti: with reference to Tiro's manumission. Cicero seems to refer to the same event in nostra ... fient, Fam. 16.10.2, and dies promissorum adest, quem etiam repraesentabo, si adveneris, Fam. 16.14.2.

mihi crede: this phrase and crede mihi are common in the correspondence. The latter seems to be the colloquial, and mihi crede the more formal order.

exsilui gaudio: in harmony with the familiar tone of the letter.

Stati: cf. Ep. VII.1n.

sic ... nuntiasti: for the absolute use of nuntio, cf. Ter. Hec. 642, bene, ita me di ament, nuntias.

Sabini: unknown.

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  • Commentary references from this page (3):
    • Cicero, Letters to his Friends, 16.10.2
    • Cicero, Letters to his Friends, 16.14.2
    • Terence, The Mother-in-Law, 4.4
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