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Letter LVII: ad familiares 14.11

Brundisium, June 14, 47 B.C.

S. v. b. e. v.: si vales, benest. Ego valeo; or si vales, bene est. Valeo. Cf. Intr. 62 and Ep. LVI., LVIII. nn.

ad me: i.e. to Brundisium; cf. Intr. 32.

neglegentia : Cicero refers probably to Tullia's unpleasant position as the wife of Dolabella, a financial and moral bankrupt, who showed little affection for her, and whose agitation at this very moment for an abolition of debts was bringing further disgrace upon Tullia and her family. But Tullia's betrothal and marriage to Dolabella took place against her father's judgment during his absence in Cilicia. Cf. Intr. 56.

Ciceronem: the same plan is mentioned in a letter to Atticus (Att. 11.17.1). Cf. also si ... conduceret, Ep. LXXIV.2n.

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    • Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 11.17.1
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