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ἀτύζομαι , only part. pres. and aor. ἀτυχθείς: bewildered, dazed, distraught, the effect of fear, grief, etc.; ἥμεθ᾽ ἀτυζόμεναι, ‘shocked,’ while the suitors were being killed, Od. 23.42 ; ἀτυζομένην ἀπολέσθαι, in a ‘dead fit,’ Andromache, Il. 22.474; w. acc., πατρὸς ὄψιν ἀτυχθείς, ‘terrified at,’ Il. 6.468 ; ἀτυζόμενοι φοβέοντο, Il. 6.41; hence with motion implied in the word itself, (ἵππω) ἀτυζομένω πεδίοιο, ‘scouring wildly’ o'er the plain, π. gen. of place, Il. 6.38, etc.
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